Love YHVH!!! Thou Shalt Love YHVH Hebrew Aleph Bet Yod Hei Vav Hei God's Name Throughout our website ministry, we especially emphasize the vital importance of acknowledging the Creator, YHVH and His Son namely Yahshua (John 3:16), who stated that the greatest Commandment is "Thou shalt love the LORD thy God, with ALL thy heart, with ALL thy soul, and with ALL thy mind" (Matthew 22:37) KJV Yahshua was quoting from Deuteronomy 6:5; Deuteronomy 10:12; Deuteronomy 30:6! Study Correction Notice: Within the study below, Yahweh's people are known as Israelites. They were not "Jews" as indicated within the study. Jew is short for "Judah", who was Israel/Jacob's fourth son by his wife Leah. As we journey through the Hebrew Scriptures (Genesis - Malachi), we will find that Israel as a nation had become very wicked before their God, and refused to obey His commands (His Word was their life. Read Deuteronomy 30:11-20, afterwards, read the whole chapter.) Thereby, Yahweh caused 10 tribes to be uprooted from the land of Israel by the Assyrians (ruthless vile world power) and they conquered 10 northern tribes and dispersed and assimilated them among other nations. Only two tribes remained within the south, namely Judah, hence the the name Jew. Again, Jacob whose name was later changed by Yahweh, to Israel had 12 sons, and Judah was the fourth son. Prayerful Regards, Ruby Levy, Ph.D Click on the link below and have a great study! |